Creating a Shark-Bite Hem on skirts, tops, t-shirts and sleeves

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Although it sounds a bit scary, a shark-bite hem is a popular fashion detail at the moment, on skirts, tops, T-shirts and even sleeve hems. How has this intriguing creature of the deep influenced our sewing?

A shark-bite hem is essentially a hemline treatment that’s uneven, creating longer sides than the middle, mimicking what it would look like if a shark chomped on the garment at center front and/or center back! The hem edge finish can be turned and stitched, serged or left raw, depending on the desired effect, or in some instances the undulating line has an added ruffle. You’ll most often find that this hemline has only the two enlongated portions on each side, but sometimes it has several long and short portions across the width, like baby sharks took multiple bites out of a previously even hem edge. For beginner sewers, a shark-bite hem offers flexibility from the standard straight hemline and the precision needed to create it. It’s a fun, fanciful detail that’s easy to create with scissors, even if the pattern doesn’t call for it.